Relationships beyond transactions
Trust is the currency of relationships, and relationships are the foundation of every business. We founded Better Problems to help entrepreneurs and leaders actively manage and sustainably strengthen trust in their organizations.
Trust is the currency of relationships, and relationships are the foundation of every business. We founded Better Problems to help entrepreneurs and leaders actively manage and sustainably strengthen trust in their organizations.
Relationships beyond transactions
Lauren Marie & Michael
As an American nurse anaesthetist and a Swiss marketing manager, we were working in very different environments - and despairing about the same problems. In 2020, we decided to stop fighting the symptoms and identify the core. After three years of research, we realised that it all comes down to trust.
It quickly became clear that we wanted to help people have fewer of these frustrating, recurring problems. The way to these 'better problems' is through greater trust in business. But how do you manage trust?
We have developed an innovative way for leaders to measure, manage and leverage trust. Since 2023, visionary leaders around the world have been using it to make their organisations more trustworthy, resilient and competitive.
Our services
In Vorbereitung
Rund 80% der Südafrikaner haben keinen oder eingeschränkten Zugang zum Justizsystem – oft bedingt durch hohe Kosten und weite Entfernungen. setzt genau hier an, indem wir eine flexible und kostengünstige Alternative zur Konfliktlösung schaffen und so gerechten Zugang für alle ermöglichen.
Further contact options
Oberholzstrasse 18
5000 Aarau, Switzerland
5 Domira Rd, Constantia
7806 Cape Town, South Africa
+41 78 748 05 23